Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 31 To 32

Thursday, 31+0
I'm excited today as we're due to start antenatal classes this evening. It's suddenly becoming increasingly real and the end is in sight. I have a load of questions I want to ask the midwife as I feel a bit in the dark at the moment about the whole going in to hospital bit. Hopefully I will become a bit more enlightened tonight and not be worrying so much about the hospital procedures. I feel pretty well prepared in all other aspects. I'm going to finish washing all the babies clothes and blankets this week and will start organising things for my hospital bag. She is very active still and has been having a good old route around in my tummy this morning! Hopefully she'll think about trying to find the way out over the next couple of weeks and start moving into head down position to give my ribs a rest!

Friday, 31+1
The antenatal class last night was great. It was really informative and I have had quite a lot of my niggling questions answered already. I always like to be prepared for all eventualities! It was great for Chris too. He had a good insight in to labour, what happens and how he can help out, what we need to do, when to go to the hospital etc. He said he really enjoyed the class.

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