Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 16 To 17

Friday 16+1
Time seems to be flying by now. It won't be long until the 20 week scan and then I''ll be half way there! I had a very emotional day on Wednesday. Just couldn't seem to stop crying from the time I got up to the time I went to bed. Consequently I was left with a stinking headache by the end of the day. Yesterday was a much better day although by early evening I felt like I was coming down with the flu and sure enough, today I feel rotten. Chris has had it recently so I guess it was only a matter of time until I caught it. At this point the baby is going through a growth spurt and needing a lot of nutrients from my body leaving me susceptible to virus. I'm trying to combat it by drinking lots of water to flush out my system, eating food rich in vitamin C and resting as much as possible. I need to fight this off quickly as I'm due to travel to England in 5 days.

I've been wondering about the lack of baby movement recently as it seems the majority of ladies feel movement from about 15 weeks onwards. When I asked my doctor about this, he said not to expect anything before 21 weeks for a first pregnancy but maybe slightly earlier if I'm more in tune with my body. I've been doing a little research on this and I think the main reason is because I have what is called an anterior placenta. This is where the placenta settles at the front of the uterus between your tummy and the baby. The placenta acts as a kind of shock absorber for the babies kicks and punches so you don't tend to feel anything until the baby is bigger and stronger. I'm disappointed in a way as I am itching to feel movement, but apparently it's not a bad thing as it means you get more of a peaceful night sleep for longer without being disturbed by the baby. Mmmmm, I think I'd rather take the disturbed nights though!

Monday 16+4
Finally I seem to have gotten rid of this flu thing after a very restful weekend. I'm feeling a lot better today and have been to see my acupuncturist this morning to help with treatment to lower my blood pressure. She reckons it is something she can do through the needles but it will need to be done gradually as it is dangerous to change the blood pressure too quickly. I have every confidence in her! I'm also following the DASH diet which is aimed at lowering blood pressure. It is very rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium and low in sodium. I have read reports that this diet plan can start to lower blood pressure within two weeks. It's also deemed to be very healthy in pregnancy as it is very high in whole grains, fruit and vegetables which are all excellent forms of nutrition for the baby. My aim is to have lowered my blood pressure significantly by the time I go for the 20 week anomaly scan at the end of July.

Still felt nothing on the movement front. My bump seems to have changed in appearance this week. It seems as though it has moved up and gotten rounder. It's not so noticeable as the early stages when it was all sticking out lower down. It makes me look more pregnant though rather than just bloated. I'll be shopping for maternity clothes when I head back to England on Wednesday. I can't wait for the trip!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Week 15 To 16

Friday 15+1
The time seems to be flying by right now! I started to have a panic the other day about what we'd need to get for the baby, all the essentials etc, so have finally compiled a list of must haves! I love to be organised and find I can relax more if I'm prepared. I'm off to the UK at the beginning of July to do some essential baby shopping as I truly believe there is a much better selection there than in Spain. I'm also not too familiar with the different spanish brands so will be sticking with tried and tested UK ones!

I'm constantly on the lookout for any signs of baby movement this week. I know it's due to start soon. I have had a couple of odd sensations which may be a pre-cursor to movement but nothing definite yet to "know" it's the baby. I have heard a couple of kicks whilst listening to her on the doppler though, just can't wait to feel them. My 16 week scan and antenatal appointment has been brought forward two days so I will be seeing our baby again on Tuesday afternoon. Can't wait!

Monday 15+4
I feel really good today and almost like I may be entering the much talked about blooming period - finally! My skin seems to have cleared from my rashy type spots and has a kind of glow to it and my hair is beginning to feel like hair again rather than straw. I have been sleeping well recently and have a full appetite back so am managing to eat all the healthy things I went off initially like fruit and vegetables. My tummy seems to be growing by the day. Below is a picture taken yesterday evening at 15+3. It's great to finally be looking pregnant rather than just fat!

I'm very excited about my 16 week antenatal appointment tomorrow and really hope we are able to get the gender confirmed as I'm dying to buy something for the baby!

Tuesday 15+5
Well, the gender has been confirmed and we're having a girl! The doctor said it was very clear that she's a girl so I guess I can now start shopping for pink with confidence. The scan itself was short but good. The baby is measuring a few days behind schedule at the moment but I was told not to worry as they all grow at their own pace from now on. The main thing is that everything is measuring in proportion. He said the head was slightly smaller on dates than the rest but only slightly so wasn't a problem. I guess it will be easier to push out a baby with a smaller head anyway! The brain was developing normally which was the most important thing. The heartbeat was strong and regular at 150bpm. The baby wasn't overly active as I think she'd just woken up. She had a good stretch and pulled her knee up toward her like she was warming up! We didn't get any 3d images today though as every time he went to capture the image she'd move and her head would be out of shot. I am promised lots of lovely images and a dvd at the 20 week anomaly scan. Oh, and I was very happy to have gained 2kgs in weight. I've been struggling to put any on so I think this is a good start!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Week 14 To 15

Friday 14+1
I'm finally in the second trimester and pleased to say that I'm starting to feel human again! I think I can safely say that the morning sickness and constant tiredness is behind me. I'm starting to sleep through the night too as the baby is moving up out of the pelvis so my uterus is no longer putting so much pressure on my bladder. My bump seems to be sprouting by the day, but might also be due to the fact that I've rediscovered my appetite and am constantly hungry. I'm trying to do the healthy diet bit and watch my sugar levels, but have a real love of red sweets! It doesn't matter what type they are as long as they are red. Very bizarre!

I turned 34 yesterday and celebrated with my husband and friends in a very sober manner! I did however have a small glass of red wine as it was from my parent-in-laws vineyard. It would have been rude not to try it and was in fact delicious! I'm on the look out for the first sign of baby movements but have yet to feel anything.

Sunday 14+3
Yesterday I felt a little out of sorts. Nothing serious but just a little faint and drained and also my legs felt a little wobbly when walking. I think it was to do with two late nights in a row. This morning I feel pretty good so far but have had a few stretching pains in my lower abdomen. They are always short lived and not too painful, but I guess you can't expect your tummy to grow at such a speed without feeling something!

Tuesday 14+5
I've been getting a little worried as all day yesterday I had the stretching pains. They are very low down under my bump. Although not painful they are uncomfortable and I am constantly aware of them especially if I get up suddenly or cough or sneeze. Yesterday I wasn't in very good spirits. I never am when I'm worrying. I was very snappy and withdrawn and had no real interest in anything. I panicked further as the baby's heartbeat had dropped slightly to 152bpm but as my husband pointed out, she was probably sleeping! I also found that I didn't have as much of an appetite as usual but I think it may be to do with the heat and worry. I ended up going to bed early just to get the day over with!

This morning the stretching pains are a lot lighter. Mainly I can feel them if I move or twist my body in a certain way. They are definitely easing off though. I've just had a listen to the baby on the doppler and her heart rate is back up to 160bpm and very strong and clear. I swear I heard some light kicks on the doppler too, but there was definitely lots of movement. It amazes me how she's so happy swimming around in my tummy and completely oblivious to my constant worries over whether she's ok! I can't wait until I can feel her move. It will be such a reassurance. I'm guessing it will take another week or so before I start to feel anything though. Also my mood has picked up and I'm back to my usual positive self - well almost!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Week 13 To 14

Thursday 13+0
Well, I'm in the final week of the scary first trimester and looking forward to seeing the back of it to be honest! I'm feeling a lot better in myself, sickness has died down again, fatigue is not too bad. I've had a few anxious days of worrying over my blood test results. I was told to expect them by Monday or Tuesday so I was getting increasingly nervous as the days progressed. I'm happy to say I finally have them, but have mixed feelings over the outcome.

On the plus side my blood is lovely and clean. I tested negative for all sexually transmitted diseases (phew!), toxoplasmosis, rubella. I'm rhesus -ve which I already knew, but my blood is clear of antibodies which could attack the baby so all good there. The only worrying thing was the blood results for downs syndrome which was a bit of a surprise to be honest. I had such a great scan last week and the nuchal fold measurement was very small at 0.106cms, so we thought we were in the clear. However, my blood was tested for PAPP A which is a protein in the blood. Women with low levels in their blood can go on to have babies with downs. It appears my blood has a low level which could be indicative of problems.

The doctor said my combined risk of downs from the scan and the bloods is 1:469. This puts me at low risk and is a good number considering my maternal age would automatically put me at 1:323. However, if they look at the bloods alone without the scan results I have a risk of 1:83 which is obviously high. The doctor said normally they just take the combined reading and that's it, but he said he couldn't overlook the fact that the blood risk is high so has called me back for a rescan tomorrow to double check the nuchal fold measurement. If the nuchal fold measurement is still low tomorrow then not to worry about the result as I would be low risk, so just praying that it is. My appointment is for 11am so at least I don't have to wait around all day for this one. On the positive side I'm looking forward to seeing our baby again so soon!

Friday 13+1
I'm pleased and very relieved to say that all seems fine with our baby. She is measuring two days ahead of schedule today at 13+3, and the CRL is 6.87cms meaning she's grown a whole 2cms in a week! I couldn't believe the difference in her size on the screen, amazing to see! Anyway, the nuchal fold is still measuring very low at 0.107cms so this indicates that everything is fine. The nasal bone is definitely present and the length of it is also in proportion. The brain tissue also looks normal. On the whole the doctor said he was completely satisfied with the outcome of the scan. It really doesn't look like they'll be any problem at all. He is going to send my measurements to the lab for recalculation of combined risk, which should hopefully be even better than the 1:469 we were given yesterday, but I'm happy with that result anyway. I should get the results by Monday or Tuesday. So, I am a very, very happy momma-to-be, and very relieved! I feel the time has now come to relax and enjoy this pregnancy!

Sunday 13+3
I feel a bit rotten today. Late last night I got an awful headache and the start of a sore throat. This morning the headache is easing but the sore throat feels worse and I have that familiar washed out, chesty kind of feeling which I always seem to get when I'm coming down with something. We had plans for today to drive out to the countryside for a barbecue but all I want to do is go back to bed! I'm always loathed to take medication at the best of times but definitely not during pregnancy. I'm drinking plenty of plain warm water to keep myself hydrated, eating toast to ease the throat pain, I've taken a vitamin C pill and think I'm going to head back to bed for a nap. I want to try and preserve my strength and beat this before it gets worse!

Below are a couple of pictures taken of my expanding belly this evening. I'm still not sure how much is proper baby bump and how much is still bloating or fluid retention. However, it seems to be roughly the same size in the morning as at night and is now very firm.

Tuesday 13+5
I'm feeling a lot better after my "flu" type thing, which really turned out to be nothing in the end. I get the feeling it was one of those unexplained pregnancy related things. I went to acupuncture yesterday and the doctor gave me treatment for strengthening my body and energy. Seems to have done the trick! I need to head over to Dunnes Store today as I'm in desperate need of some underwear which fits and maybe a bikini too as the weather here is great now, but I can't possibly fit my chest in anything I already own!

I've just had a phone call from my doctor about my revised statistics for measurement of downs syndrome. Despite having had a really good 2nd scan where everything looks fine, the combined risk number has now gone up! It is now a 1:283 combined risk as opposed to a 1:469. The problem is, it's still the result of the blood test which is throwing out the strange numbers. The doctor said not to worry about it and he certainly wouldn't recommend further testing like amniocentesis as he doesn't envisage a problem. I wish I hadn't bothered having the blood tests done now and just had the scan! I will take his advice and not worry though, as it wouldn't change the outcome anyway. What will be will be.