Friday, November 12, 2010

It's V Day!!!

Today I reached 24 weeks which if you've ever been pregnant you know it's one of the huge milestones where the babies become "viable". Not the nicest word to use, but basically means that if the babies came now they would have a chance of survival outside of the womb and more importantly this is where the medical profession actually care and do their best to save them, but lets hope these two keep cooking for a good while yet!

So, since my last post I'm transitioning from private health care with my all singing and dancing 3D scans to the free health care provided by the social security system. Private twin scans are expensive which was part of my reason for changing but I also feel I want to be registered and known by my local hospital now, rather than just turning up to deliver the babies on the day. It's a bit of a minefield here with lots of queueing up and form filling. I haven't seen the same person twice yet and it appears as though nobody really knows what the other is doing! In the last week I've had 2 different midwife appointments and the 24 week scan. Normally I love a chance to look at my babies but this was such a disappointing scan! I wasn't allowed to look at the screen while I was being scanned and when I tried to peek round at it, I got a telling off. I did get to look at both babies at the end of the scan for about 1 minute per baby, but the images were so rubbish I was hard pushed to know what I was looking at!

The good news is both babies are perfect. They are growing well with one measuring 2 days ahead of the EDD and the other 3 days behind. There is a difference in weight between them of 110g with Twin 2 being the bigger one. I'm relieved that one of the placentas which was covering the cervix at the 20 week scan has now moved up and twin 2 has turned from breech to head down the same as Twin 1 so at the moment I'm on schedule for a natural delivery :) The scan was such a relief after I had a horrendous stomach bug last week where I couldn't keep anything down, even water, so it was reassuring to know that neither baby has suffered because of it.

In the coming weeks I have 2nd trimester bloods to be taken, glucose tolerance test, anti D jab and the 28 week scan so busy busy! Time is flying by maybe a bit too fast... My bump is huge now so I must get round to uploading a couple of recent photos.