Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week 20 To 21

Thursday, 20+0
We're just back from the anomaly scan and everything was fantastic! The scan was very thorough taking over an hour, due to anterior placenta making certain measurements difficult and a rather lazy and uncooperative baby! I think it was her nap time and she did not want to budge. The doctor ended up giving me a sugar cube to eat and tilting the table backwards to get her to shift position. After a big stretch and a yawn she repositioned herself so the measurements could be completed.

All her measurements are within the average range for her estimated due date. Her legs and arms are long, but I guess she's going to be taking after me. All the major organs were checked for functionality and blood flow and absolutely everything was perfect. We are very relieved! Her estimated weight at the moment is a tiny 10 oz. It was difficult to get some good 3D shots of her as the placenta kept getting in the way with it being at the front.

My blood pressure in the doctors was high again of course (137/72) but when I went to acupuncture half an hour later it was already down to 120/75, so I think I can safely say it's doctor phobia! I've managed to gain 1.5kg in a month which I'm very proud of as I didn't think I was going to gain any weight at all.

Anyway, here's a selection of pictures from today.

20 Week Scan
Just chilling out!

20 Week Scan

20 Week Scan

20 Week Scan

20 Week Scan
The three lines in the middle show that she's a girl. The outer two lines are the labia.

Below are a couple of bump pictures taken yesterday

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