Friday, May 23, 2008

Week 8 To 9

Oh my God! This week was very bad for morning sickness and tiredness. I had absolutely zero appetite and had to force food in to me. I found I had a bit of a taste for seafood sticks and cream cheese triangles. Together of course! When I call it morning sickness that is not a true reflection. It is really all day and all night sickness. It seems the only real escape I had from it was when I was asleep. I don't think I managed one complete meal in this entire week. I'd eat a few bites and need a rest. The evening meal was the worst as I was so tired by this point that I barely had the energy to put my food in my mouth and chew! Needless to say my husband got to finish most of my meals this week.

My breasts took on a world of their own this week too! I had a lot of painful twinges in them and realised that none of my bras could really contain them! Of course Chris thought they were great, but there was no way in the world he'd be allowed near them at this sensitive stage!

Oh, the glamorous side of pregnancy really started to kick in too with constipation! I thought at one point my stomach would explode as it had been a fair while since visiting the bathroom. It is so uncomfortable but I think the increased progesterone is to blame. Although I've really gone off the taste of milk I forced myself back on to bran flakes in the morning just to try for a it of regularity.

I've also had some sharp shooting pains in my lower abdomen this week. They feel like they start at my cervix and go right up through me. I'm not sure if it's stretching pains, something to do with the constipation or whether I have a urinary infection. I did a wee sample at the doctors just to check for any nasties.

I bit the bullet and ordered a fetal doppler this week. It's a listening device for the babies heartbeat. They say you can hear it from 12 weeks but as I'm very slim I'm thinking I may have a good chance of hearing it earlier. It was only 20 quid from Hong Kong. I got it on ebay and can't wait for its arrival!

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