Friday, May 23, 2008

Week 5 to 6

It is such a huge relief to get through that first week! When you move into week 5 you actually start believing that you're in with a good chance. Of course knicker watch continues and I still remember how my hand would shake every time I looked at the tissue after I'd had a wee!

I booked any early viability scan with my fertility doctor for reassurance. The date was set for 24th April when I'll be 7 weeks and 1 day. The purpose of the scan was to check that all was in the right place and developing as it should be. By 7 weeks you should be able to see a heartbeat if the pregnancy is a good one.

Symptom wise during this week I got increasingly sensitive nipples and breasts and also a lot of bloating. No sign yet of morning sickness.

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