Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dia de la Madre

Today is Mothers Day here in spain. Sadly I don't have the energy to celebrate it as I have flu and feel a bit lousy so it's just a quite day at home...well, as quiet as it can be with a baby! Good job I chose to celebrate the english one.

Bella is doing great although we did have a few disturbed nights again recently. I stopped the baby rice for a few days as her growth spurt seemed over and I don't want to wean her too early but she was back to night waking again, so we're back on the rice. She has started sleeping through again thankfully. I don't plan on introducing anything else food wise for another month though. Not sure if I mentioned that she had a congested chest recently. It was picked up at her 4 month check up. Anyway, she had a follow up appointment at the doctors on Thursday and the catarh and mucous has cleared from her chest and no sign of any other infection in the ears or throat so she has a clean bill of health. To be honest I think it might have been down to the teething again. It seems every time we have a growth spurt she cuts more teeth and gets a cold or similar. She doesn't have any more teeth through just yet but I don't think it will be too long for the two front top ones. I can feel them poking under the surface so reckon they'll be through within the next couple of weeks.

We bought her a Baby Einstein activity centre yesterday as she loves to be upright on her feet and I wanted to give my arms a break. We assembled it this morning and so far it's a huge success. A little expensive but I think it will be worthy investment as I can see hours of entertainment from it. If you have a small baby I would definitely say buy one!

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