Saturday, May 9, 2009

5 months on!

Where has the time gone? I can't believe Bella is 5 months old today. I would say the 4-5 month period has been the one with the biggest developmental changes. She has learned so many new skills this month and her character is really shining through now. She laughs so much, has the most gorgeous smiles and a whole range of new sounds and facial expressions. She has learned to roll from front to back and back to front, is very strong on her legs and likes to stand most of the time and has started trying to pull herself up to sit. She's also found her feet.

With all these new developments has come some tough times too. She went through a major growth spurt the last month and combined with teething has made for some very unsettled periods. We went back to feeding through the night in the midst of the growth spurt (like having a newborn again) and also some very cranky moments when awake usually out of pure frustration on her part when she wants to do more than her body will allow. I've learned to embrace these times though as they are only short lived periods and afterwards you get to see a major developmental milestone in her.

With her new found mobility comes trouble! I've caught her trying to climb backwards out of her playnest where she gets into a "crab" type position and arches herself backwards over the edge; I've put her under her jungle gym, popped out the room for a minute and on returning she was about a foot away from it in the middle of the rug. She's also started throwing herself around when sitting on your lap. She'll be feeding and all of a sudden launch herself backwards so you need fast reactions! The only place of safety for now seems to be in the new activity centre as she can't escape from there...yet!

It just amazes me how much she has changed this last month. She is growing up so fast and is the most inquisitive little thing. She's also started giving out kisses, which while unbelievably wet, are the cutest things!

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