Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, December 8 - UPDATE

Hey everyone, this is Chris, Ellie's better half *JK*. All day yesterday Ellie was hit with a headache and loss of appetite. At around 1 in the morning we finally decided to head off to "Urgencias" for some monitoring. To make a long story short, her blood pressure was through the roof so she was admitted for induction :( She's not too happy about the whole thing, but none the less, she is still sitting at the Hospital Costa del Sol with a Russian roomate, bad food and no Wi-Fi, which is why I'm keeping you all posted. If things start to get a move on we'll have ANOTHER Dec 08 baby, along with myself and Ellie's dad, but I think this little girl has plans of her own and probably won't be meeting us until tomorrow. If it doesn't happen tomorrow they might have to resort to the C word. Either way, we have a long road ahead. Ellie is writing her thoughts on an iPod Touch and I'll be posting them here tonight. Watch this space!


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