Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Bumbo Seat

I'd heard a lot about Bumbos and how they can encourage babies to strengthen their back and necks to sit up straight. Apparently they help baby adopt the right posture for sitting and they use their own weight through gravity to sit on their own. We saw them in a baby store today so decided to get one to try Bella in. She loves it! I think she was loving the fact that she was sitting independently. As soon as we put her in it she was grinning away. We only left her in for about 7 minutes and then she looked a little wobbly so took her out for a rest. We also bought the activity tray which attaches to it so you can put a toy on it or use it for feeding if doing the baby led weaning route.

Here are a couple of pictures of her in her new chair.



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