Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sleeping right through

Just a week shy of 7 months, it appears Bella has got the hang of this sleep malarkey. We've had 2 nights of 12 hours completely undisturbed sleep from her. I know I shouldn't start getting too comfortable with it though as we've found things can change very quickly. Maybe all the effort of crawling is wearing her out. She's been up 2 hours and is 1 hour into a nap now too :) A refreshed baby makes for a very happy baby!

1 comment:

Petra said...

ditto! we've had two nights of about 10 hours & it totally makes memories of getting up every two hours to feed a distant, much-blurred memory! although the thoughts have come floding back today with the news that my good friend is in labour with her first baby. she went to the hospital at 2:30 for an appt today, her waters broke early wednesday morning so i'm hoping (as she was) that they've admitted her. i'm so excited ... i want another baby!!