Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Test driving the "Tinokis"

Chris bought us a sling when Isabella was first born which we haven't got round to using before now as I was a little phased by all the yards and yards of fabric! We'd been using a mothercare front carrier up until today but Isabella is getting a little large for it and feels very heavy when carrying so not very good for the back. Today I thought I'd give it a go with the Tinokis and have to say it was very easy to use and so comfortable. She was so snug and well protected in it and the weight is spread well due to the width of the fabric.

Here are a few photos I took before we went out walking the dog.



I think you have to agree she looks totally snug. The next two pictures are when we got back and I got her out. Totally relaxed!



1 comment:

MissTracy said...

We have one of those slings (well it's a Moby but it's exactly the same!). I love mine and I'm still using it and Ethan's over 20lbs now. They're a fab invention and I wish I'd had one when Ashton was born :-)
Take care Ellie
Tracy xx