Last Thursday we went for an anomaly scan of the babies to see if there is any indication of potential genetic problems. Because we have non-id twins we were advised against the screening blood tests as they can throw out quite obscure results and also we would be unsure as to which baby had a problem, so we opted for the detailed scan instead. Both babies were thoroughly checked over, spending half an hour on each one where they were measured in length, head size, nasal bone, long bones, nuchal fold, heartbeats and valves checked, umbilical cord, abdomen, placentas, you name it, they were checked. I'm happy to say both babies passed with flying colours and it appears we have two very healthy little ones. They have both grown loads and my due date has been fast forwarded 4 days. I'm currently 13+2 as I write this.
My gynecologist loves to pride himself on early detection of gender so didn't hesitate in asking if we wanted to know. If it had been a single pregnancy I would have opted for the element of surprise this time round but being a twin pregnancy we decided that was surprise enough for us and that we need to know. After getting the all important shots between the babies legs in 2d and 3d we have been given a very clear insight into who we have entering our lives...and no, I'm not going to tell you! I feel nowadays in pregnancy we know so much about our little ones before they are even with us, so I would love for everybody else to have the surprise, even though we won't. Initially I thought I would divulge the genders but I have since decided that it would be far more lovely to announce upon their arrivals. Of course the speculation has started with the favourite being a "purple" bump of one boy and one girl, but is it? Or do we have a pink or blue bump?! Only another 6ish months to wait and find out ;)
In the meantime here are a couple of pictures. It was so lovely to watch them as they tended to mirror each other on movement and the way they laid:

1 comment:
Oh, how delicious to dangle this news over us! Am thrilled with their healthy development, hun. Enjoy & rest up, yummy mumy!
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