We're just back from what I can only describe as an awesome scan :) Forever the worrier, I was fearing the worst as scans fill me with dread since the last pregnancy. I refused the internal scan today, I know it gives clearer images but just didn't want it, so we had the external one done. Straight away we could see both babies and their little hearts pounding away, and a noticeable difference in size since the last scan. The heart rate of one of them is measuring 180bpm and the other 167-170bpm. They both looked more baby like as opposed to a little bean and you could see the limb buds and a more distinct head. One of them was doing some crazy flips and then the other one started up. They're still measuring one day apart.
The doctor was happy that both placentas were embedding well with good blood flow already and couldn't find any indication of the area of bleed at all, so a big relief. It was a very thorough scan, made all the more entertaining by Bella pressing buttons and raising and lowering my bed, then coming round to tickle my toes! She was a little star and very well behaved. A fab big sister in the making...!
I do still find it a bit surreal and had to ask Chris to pinch me in the car on the way home so I know I'm not dreaming! Next milestone is getting to the 12 week scan. It will be nearer to 13 weeks as we're just having a detailed anomaly scan done this time round as any blood work for genetic problems is likely to throw up odd results in a non-id twin pregnancy. So, we need to wait that little bit longer so they're both bigger and can have the nuchal fold, heart valves, brain and soft markers looked at. Now, I'm off to try and upload some photos from the DVD of the scan...still grinning :p

Darlin, so happy for you, the pics are A W E S O M E!!!!! and remember my dream? maybe Chrissy will get one for his team too :)))) Enjoy and lots of love. xxx
thanks sweetie! Only a few weeks until we find out the sexes! Exciting! Love to you and my gorgeous Ellie xxx
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