Thursday, February 12, 2009


....the baby not me! It seems as though Isabella is suffering with trapped wind at the moment. I think this is why she is splitting her feeds into two parts. She's been kicking her legs out quite vigorously during feeds and grunting a lot. Sometimes after a feed she cries until the wind is passed. I've tried tummy massages and warm compresses on her abdomen but they've not really helped. So, we bought Spains equivalent to gripe water yesterday to try and help her out. It's a herbal type infusion to calm down and relax the digestive system so the wind can pass out. It smells a bit like aniseed and I was expecting her to spit it back out, but she downed it and then refused her milk as I think the taste didn't quite compare! We ended up bathing her and waiting an hour and then trying again with the milk which she eventually took. Not wanting to have a repeat performance today, I gave her the infusion after her feed. She downed her milk and then pulled a face at the infusion, like I was giving her something terrible. I guess she doesn't like a change of flavour although I did manage to get her to drink it. Anyway, it seems as though it's helping as she tooted a lot this morning so I think it must have shifted the gas a bit overnight. I'm giving her another dose midday so we split them 12 hours apart and see how she gets on with that. She seems more content today and not kicking her legs out quite so much so hopefully it will work. I wish I could get hold of products here like gripe water or colief like in the UK. We're seeing the paedetrician on Monday for her 2 month check up so will see if she has any other suggestions if she still seems to be suffering.

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