Yesterday Isabella went for her 2 month check up and vaccinations. She passed the check up with flying colours! She is very healthy with no problems whatsoever. She now weighs 11lb 9oz and has grown 1 and a half centimeters. The doctor was very happy with her progress and said she is doing exceptionally well. She was full of smiles for the doctor and more than happy to be checked over.
The vaccinations were a different matter though. She had to have 3, two in one leg and one in the other and an oral dose. The oral dose was no problem as she'll eat anything, but she cried her little heart out with the needles. It was a very distressed cry and I had tears in my eyes myself as I hate seeing her like that. She recovered quickly though and fed straight after. We waited around for half an hour afterwards just in case she had a reaction to the jabs, but all was well. Later in the afternoon she started to get distressed again and it was because she'd had a small reaction at the site of one of the vaccinations. We had to apply a cold compress to take the inflammation and swelling down and give her a dose of baby paracetemol to ease the discomfort and pain. She calmed down about half an hour later but was very teary on and off throughout the day and night. Her temperature was normal so no signs of fever. She did have a touch of a tummy upset though but continued to eat well. So yesterday was a day of lots of comfort and cuddles. We finally got her to go off to sleep at 11pm but she was unsettled still. She did get 4 hours quality sleep between 2.30 and 6.30am and some more restless sleep after a feed until 9.30am. She seems much happier in herself today and her temperature is still normal so I'm hoping that today she feels more like herself again. I've had lots of smiles and giggles from her this morning so trust that's a good sign!
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