Born on 9/12/08, weighing 7lb 11oz at 11.15pm - absolutely perfect!
A very new newborn!
Back home yesterday
Her first day of life!
With her very very proud daddy! Really similar hair!
I'm happy to say that we arrived home yesterday afternoon and my feet haven't touched the ground since! My every waking moment is filled with our little princess who is truly the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen and I still can't believe what we made!
As new parents Chris and I are still finding our way around as it's all a very new and huge experience. I'm trying to establish breastfeeding which is no easy task I have to say. It is not something which just comes naturally and both Isabella and I are having to work at it. I'm at the point of thinking of switching to formula food. I have the midwife coming tomorrow and will have a chat with her about it then. We were concerned by Isabellas lack of interest in feeding today and that she just seems to want to sleep all the time. The midwife has said it may be a touch of jaundice which is quite normal but will check her over tomorrow and then I'll make a decision then. We did supplement with a formula feed this evening just to get some food into her. Today has been a particularly emotional day with hormones flying all over the place plus the worry over her not feeding and being so sleepy. I'll let you know how the check up goes tomorrow. She's also having her heel prick test which I'm not looking forward to :(
Ellie, she's gorgeous! I had the same problems with breastfeeding and if you're determined, get support. I exclusively breastfed for 6 "painful" weeks and then only bf at night til 3 months. There's been a lot of research and apparently babies need as little as 4 ozs of bm to get the full benefits!
Anyway, she's absolutely gorgeous and has lovely hair :-)
Keep in touch xx
Ellie she is just perfect :)
Its so SO amazing isn't it?
Congratulations to you both xx
Emma x
PS. Babies have stores to tide them over as the colostrum is such a small amount so dont need to feed that much in the beginning and BF will really take off once your milk comes in. take it easy hun and one day, or hour!, at a time... xx
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