We took Isabella to be weighed today at the pharmacy as I needed to get my blood pressure checked. I'm so happy that she now weighs over her birth weight! Last Monday when the midwife came to check her at a week old, she'd dropped 7% of her weight, and was down to 3.250kg (a loss of 8 ounces). Today she's weighing in at 3.510kg, an increase of 9 ounces in 6 days. I'm so happy as now we're breast feeding her exclusively it's hard to know if she's getting enough food as you can't see exactly what she's taking. I know she has plenty of dirty and wet diapers each day and seems content after a feed, but I was still worried. So, a very relieved mommy! I weighed myself while I was there and I have already dropped 9kgs, which is about 20lbs. I'm only about 4kgs more than my pre-pregnancy weight but I think that is being stored in my boobies! My tummy has totally shrunk back to normal and you'd never know I had a baby only 12 days ago, well, apart from the bags under my eyes and pale skin, as the picture below shows!
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