Pregnancy symptoms are in full swing this week! Emotions are flying all over the place! I can cry at the drop of a hat. I've been going through a "I feel fat and ugly stage", not helped by the fact that my face seems rashy and I have bags under my eyes from extreme fatigue. The morning sickness hit a new high and the vomiting started. Not everyday thankfully but maybe every 3rd day. It seems to have shifted to the evenings though and from 7pm without fail I felt very very poorly. As a result I've been going to bed about 10pm and that's following an afternoon nap! The constipation seems a little better after the fibre introduction.
This week I discovered I had a yeast infection though and it had spread to my bladder. I think this explains the reason behind the shooting pains I had last week. Luckily a one off pill was all I needed to kick it in to touch. I have to watch my intake of refined sugars.
In terms of feelings, this was a pretty miserable week where I felt at my lowest point.
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