My husband Chris and I started trying for a baby on my 32nd birthday. He is a few years younger than me, well 6 and a half to be exact, and wasn't really ready to have a baby before that point. I was aware of my ticking biological clock and thought it was maybe time to crack on with it, so to speak! Like most people I assume you had sex, got pregnant, had a baby. Simple enough stuff! Well, were we in for a bit of a shock!
After trying unsuccessfully for a year, and yes we were doing everything right, we went to see a fertility specialist to see if he could shed any light on our problem. We went the day of my 33rd birthday and I remember being nervous but a little excited as I thought he may have a couple of quick fix remedies up his sleeve.
It was on that day I discovered I had PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). To cut a long story short after numerous tests for both of us we were told we were unlikely to conceive naturally. A bit of a shock to the system I have to say as it's never something you expect to hear. We finally got underway with fertility treatment, some of it very invasive, in September and after five months of massive let downs and disappointments we decided it was time to take a break. It really does get quite soul destroying getting your hopes up month after month only to have them dashed again. I was also fed up of feeling like the psycho bitch from hell with all these artificial hormones rushing through my body!
We went away on holiday in February and that month I came off all my fertility medication and went back on to a natural cycle. When we returned from holiday we made the decision to start IVF in June '08. To get my body ready for the treatment in the beginning of March I decided to undergo a course of acupuncture for a bit of rebalancing and relaxation. Chris also had a few treatments to send some positive energy to his man bits!
It was nearing the end of my cycle and to be honest I thought there is no way on earth that I could be pregnant that month as I didn't have a single symptom. We went to see the chinese doctor on Thursday 3rd April and she said my pulse had changed! When we questioned her as to what that could mean she said I could be pregnant or just expecting my period. Of course I had a little bit of excitement that night wondering could I be?! So, on the Friday morning I peed in my plastic cup, left it to cool to room temperature while I walked our dog. When I got back I dipped in a Tesco home pregnancy test and waited. After two minutes I glanced at the test expecting to see the usual snowy white window and to my complete shock there was a second line! It was faint but definitely there. You could have scraped me off the floor! I was shaking and in tears as this was our 22nd month of TTC and finally it looked like we'd cracked it!
I called Chris at work and he was as amazed as me. I decided to retest on the Sunday morning just to check that the line was getting stronger and that things were moving in the right direction. To my delight the second line came up really quickly and was a lovely strong line. Chris got it waved under his nose to wake him up! Finally I started to believe I was pregnant!
Below are pictures of the tests. The first one you can just about make out the line. The second one was the much stronger test taken 2 days later.
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