Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not out of the woods yet...

I went for a scan today to hopefully get the all clear but found out I still have retained tissue. Yet more medication and another scan on Monday morning to see if a medical procedure is necessary. It really does feel never ending right now.

Bella was an absolute angel all day, and considering she has the stinkiest cold ever it was great. She was her usual charming and entertaining self. Not sleeping much right now but that's more because she can't breathe properly, especially while wanting to suck on her dummy. After a few nights of disturbed sleep for the both of us while Daddy was working, I'm having a night off tonight as I'm physically drained. On the plus front, I was tickling Bella under her arms and she was laughing her head off, and I spied some canines poking through. Hoorah, at last!!!!

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