Friday, 38+1
It's a very early start to the morning for me as I just can't seem to sleep right now. I don't seem to be comfortable whatever position I'm in. Yesterday we went for a scan and check up and I came away with mixed feelings over it. I was hoping that the pregnancy would be progressing quicker and that I may have her soon, but seems unlikely. Everything is absolutely fine with the baby though so that is the important thing. It appears as though she is 2/5 engaged, 3/5 palpable which means she is getting quite deep into my pelvis now, but a baby needs to be 5/5 engaged before making their way out into the world so still a little way to go yet.
The scan was very thorough and very good. The placenta is in good health and there is good blood flow through the umbilical cord and to the brain. Her estimated weight at the moment is 8lb 1oz so looks like we're set for quite a sizeable baby. Initially the doctor said not to worry as weights can be out by half a pound or more, but upon closer examination he said he takes that back because she's chubby! To be honest I'm not surprised. I always thought I'd have a larger sized baby. He measured the amniotic fluid levels and the AFI score was 17 so still within the realms of normal. There is quite a large pool of amniotic fluid by her head still but the doctor doesn't think this will affect her ability to engage fully. Part of the umbilical cord is still up by her face but he said the chances of a cord prolapse would be a very minimal risk. If the cord was above her head then that would be a different story, but as the head is closer to the exit then that should drop into place first if the waters went so the cord couldn't come out. He's advised us to go straight to the hospital for examination if my waters go anyway, just to get checked out. Even if I'm not in established labour as he said you can never be too safe with these issues. I'm happy with that, even if they send me on my way home again until labour progresses further as we live very local to the hospital.
I had a scan of the cervix done and an internal examination and was told that it has started to soften but labour is not imminent. He thinks I will go closer to my due date, if not beyond it. I felt a little deflated at that point but I suppose everything happpens in good time. We still have an agreement that I will go back and see him if I get to 1 week overdue and he will write me a referal letter for an induction. So looking on the bright side I guess that means I should only have 3 weeks absolute maximum before we get to meet her, although I'm secretly hoping for a bit sooner!
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