Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week 25 To 26

Thursday, 25+0
We got back from Valencia yesterday evening. It was a long drive, but didn't seem as bad as the way up. The baby has been a little quieter the last couple of days, so I didn't get as many kicks during the car journey, although she did jab me in the ribs a few times! I think she may be having another growth spurt or has changed position. She woke me up at 2am Wednesday morning with a dose of the hiccups which felt very strange. I've been checking her heartbeat which I always do when she's quieter and it's a strong and regular 145bpm. She seems to have days when her activity slows down and the kicks are milder and less frequent and then she comes back with a vengeance the next day. I've been told that as long as I feel some movement every day then not to worry. Sometimes easier said than done though!

I received the results of my glucose tolerance test yesterday and that is all clear for diabetes risk. Apparently my iron levels are a little low though so I'll need to take some extra supplements.

Just editing my post to add that the strong kicking has started up once again! I'm sitting here with my left hand side twitching right out and kicks that make me jump!

Sunday, 25+3
Nothing much to report in the last few days. The baby is still kicking strongly. We had a bit of a play around with a flash light last night as she is at the point where she can respond to light. Chris flashed the light around over my tummy and she squirmed around and kicked up a storm! I've been feeling quite tired the last couple of days but I'm not sure if it's still because of the heat or low iron levels. I've had two days of the iron supplements now so maybe they'll start to kick in soon and increase my energy. I also felt a touch fluey recently but it seems to have come to nothing again.

Here are a few bump pictures taken today.




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