Friday 14+1
I'm finally in the second trimester and pleased to say that I'm starting to feel human again! I think I can safely say that the morning sickness and constant tiredness is behind me. I'm starting to sleep through the night too as the baby is moving up out of the pelvis so my uterus is no longer putting so much pressure on my bladder. My bump seems to be sprouting by the day, but might also be due to the fact that I've rediscovered my appetite and am constantly hungry. I'm trying to do the healthy diet bit and watch my sugar levels, but have a real love of red sweets! It doesn't matter what type they are as long as they are red. Very bizarre!
I turned 34 yesterday and celebrated with my husband and friends in a very sober manner! I did however have a small glass of red wine as it was from my parent-in-laws vineyard. It would have been rude not to try it and was in fact delicious! I'm on the look out for the first sign of baby movements but have yet to feel anything.
Sunday 14+3
Yesterday I felt a little out of sorts. Nothing serious but just a little faint and drained and also my legs felt a little wobbly when walking. I think it was to do with two late nights in a row. This morning I feel pretty good so far but have had a few stretching pains in my lower abdomen. They are always short lived and not too painful, but I guess you can't expect your tummy to grow at such a speed without feeling something!
Tuesday 14+5
I've been getting a little worried as all day yesterday I had the stretching pains. They are very low down under my bump. Although not painful they are uncomfortable and I am constantly aware of them especially if I get up suddenly or cough or sneeze. Yesterday I wasn't in very good spirits. I never am when I'm worrying. I was very snappy and withdrawn and had no real interest in anything. I panicked further as the baby's heartbeat had dropped slightly to 152bpm but as my husband pointed out, she was probably sleeping! I also found that I didn't have as much of an appetite as usual but I think it may be to do with the heat and worry. I ended up going to bed early just to get the day over with!
This morning the stretching pains are a lot lighter. Mainly I can feel them if I move or twist my body in a certain way. They are definitely easing off though. I've just had a listen to the baby on the doppler and her heart rate is back up to 160bpm and very strong and clear. I swear I heard some light kicks on the doppler too, but there was definitely lots of movement. It amazes me how she's so happy swimming around in my tummy and completely oblivious to my constant worries over whether she's ok! I can't wait until I can feel her move. It will be such a reassurance. I'm guessing it will take another week or so before I start to feel anything though. Also my mood has picked up and I'm back to my usual positive self - well almost!
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