This started out as a journal documenting my journey through the amazing experience of pregnancy sharing the highs and lows, the worries and the excitement as we awaited the arrival of our first baby. A long time in the making, Bella was born on 9th December 2008, at the Costa del Sol Hospital, Spain, via a rather traumatic birth! The rest of this blog is dedicated to the progress and developments of our gorgeous and amazing little lady...but now THE BABY MAKING CONTINUES...TWO FOLD!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Say cheese!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Oh what a night... :)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Where we're at!

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Our Birth Story
So the day after having a scan and receiving my C-section date from the hospital for the 9/2/11, my waters broke lying on the sofa at home after a few contractions and feeling a bit "off" during the afternoon. Luckily my dad was here to stay with Bella while we went to hospital, with me having a bit of a panic and feeling completely unprepared to have twins, especially only being 35+5 weeks gestation!
When I got to the hospital around 9pm I wasn't really having contractions and an internal exam confirmed that my cervix was high and closed. As I'd just eaten dinner I was told that they didn't want to do a C-section for 6 hours until my stomach was clear so they'd put me on monitors for a couple of hours and then move me to a room overnight with a section booked for 8am the following morning. I was put on the monitors but pretty soon the contractions started to pick up and became more frequent and more uncomfortable. I was moved to a delivery suite at midnight and examined where it was found my cervix was favourable and starting to dilate. The contractions went to every 5-6 mins lasting roughly 20 seconds so they decided they were going to deliver at 1am as a planned section as they weren't sure whether I'd hold out until the morning and didn't want to do a middle of the night emergency section.
They then discovered I'd tested positive for Group B Strep from a swab they took on entry to the hospital so they changed their minds again and said I'd wait until 4am while they got 4 hours of antibiotics into me as the worry was that as Felix had broken his waters he was at risk. So, I laid back on the bed and by 1am was getting regular contractions which were starting to get really painful. By 2am they were coming constantly so I asked if they could put the epidural in ready for the section as I was at the point of so much pain and felt like I might need to push. The gynae checked my cervix and said we had to go to theatre as the babies were well on the way and she could feel Felix's bottom coming. I was whisked into theatre where they administered a spinal block and the babies were born at 2.40am and 2.42am, weighing 5lb 4oz and 6lb 2oz. The section is the strangest thing I've ever experienced!
Both boys came out crying and they took them to a side room for checks. I was handed each one in a towel for a quick cuddle before they took them to show Chris and then round to SCBU as Sebastian had breathing problems. They think it's because they had to break his waters and he may of inhaled some of the amniotic fluid. I went down to recovery until 5.30am with my body going in to complete shock and Chris went to SCBU with the boys.
When I was brought back to the room I was told Sebastian was on oxygen and they'd leave the boys together for now to keep an eye on Felix too for signs of GBS. It was a long morning of lots of pain and anxiousness for me as I still hadn't seen them since theatre. I was told at lunch they'd taken Sebastian off the oxygen and I'd see them about 1pm but I wasn't able to get out of bed to go to SCBU as I was in too much pain and feeling very sick from the medication. We were then told they'd bring the babies to me at 3pm but they didn't make it to the room until 6pm. 16 hours without seeing my babies seemed like an eternity but Chris took lots of photos of them and some video to show me. The wait was well worth it when they finally came to the room and I saw how totally perfect they were.
We were only in the hospital for 3 nights before they decided to release us. This was a total surprise as I thought with them being born at 35+5 gestation we'd have been in for quite a but longer, but the boys proved to be little fighters so our release forms were signed and we were on our way home :)