Sunday, November 22, 2009

The heat is on

Bella has been poorly. At first we thought it was just teething again as she always gets horrible nappies when cutting teeth and is a little cranky pants, but last week she had a high temperature which she never gets, even with colds and flu. Thinking it must be more than just teeth we took her into Urgencias at our local hospital and got to see an on-call pediatrician. She said it was an intestinal virus and to feed a bland diet and give her a suspension medicine for a few days. We did all this and she started to get better but today it looks like we're back to square one as her nappies were pure liquid again today. We have another appointment booked for Wednesday so we'll see what the outcome of that one is, although I'm hoping we'll be back to normal before then. Bella is fine in herself now though and has loads of energy and is sleeping well so it seems like it might still be the tale end of the virus, unless it is more teeth on the way. I felt her gums this morning and she has so many new teeth! I felt 4 premolars and bumps further back, so looks like the molars are on the way through too.

In the meantime I'm busy planning for her 1st birthday party which we're holding on Sunday, 6th December. I think I'm more excited about the party than she will be! I can't wait to get cracking on the cake.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where has my baby gone?

We most definitely have a toddler now! Since Bella got up and went, she seems to have grown up so much in the last week. She's getting so speedy and confident with her walking now and will multi task, by walking and clapping or munching on a bread stick. She appears to have had a large growth spurt too and has shot up in height. I think I have lost my baby and she's not even 1 yet. Maybe time to contemplate another.....!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bella goes for a personal best!

She really seems to be getting the hang of this walking and today went for a personal best of walking down the hallway. It almost ended in disaster with banging her head on the wall, but luckily her swim bag was in the way for a cushioned fall! She got a little distracted at the end and headed off for a bite to eat with Lola....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm completely ready to do walking!

Bella just keeps getting better and better! After the first couple of wobbly steps here and there, she completely surprised us today by "properly" walking, a day before 11 months. I turned round to see a little wobbly baby in the style of Bambi making her way towards me...and now she can't stop! I've posted a video of some earlier wobbly practice steps.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

First Steps!

Yes, our gorgeous little Bella decided to take her first couple of wobbly steps tonight all by herself! We'd been practicing walking with her during the day and she was really starting to gain confidence. We even had the video camera pointed at her thinking she was about to go solo....but no, she waits until we're all relaxing before her bath/bed time and then decides to let go from the sofa and take a couple of steps (so cute!) before turning round and then landing right on top of the cat. Poor Lola. For a baby with horrendous cold/cough at the moment she is certainly coming on in leaps and bounds. She was also displaying her free climbing on to the sofa tonight, along with her "proper" method of descent which thankfully has progressed to wriggling back down to land on her feet rather than free-falling head first! Tonight, like every night, I am a VERY proud mommy :)