Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September summary

So I've been completely rubbish at updating the blog this month but will endeavour to be better next month! We've had a lot of sickness in the house this month. I had flu, Bella caught it and was so out of sorts. She could barely breathe bless her as her nose was so plugged up so it made eating and sleeping difficult for her. She's almost back to normal but is now cutting back teeth so this has thrown her out of sorts again. One top back one has broken through and we had a day off from teething, only for the other side to be erupting now, but at least she's back eating and sleeping well so blogging is resuming!

Bella is soon to be a 10 month old and such a character. She flies about the place. Crawling is no problem, cruising the furniture is a breeze, walking with her push along walker is going fantastically well and she often stands unsupported now. Just waiting for those first steps...

My little miss independent has decided that puree food is uncool now and she's a big girl and can feed herself. The only help she'll accept from a spoon now is if a yogurt is involved! I can't say I'm going to miss pureeing and freezing all the meals, but it's sad that it's the end of another era of babyhood. She is becoming more like a toddler every day and sometimes I just want to stop time and catch a breath.

She has the cheekiest toothy smile, the most hilarious laugh and a whole repertoire of sounds and noises. Her favourite at the moment is bubba bubba. She fills every day with enjoyment, entertainment and love and I'm looking forward to what October will bring.